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Kevin Horgmo - A Tough Call

Kevin Horgmo - A Tough Call

May 21

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I think everyone has been impressed with the performances of Kevin Horgmo of the SR-Ship to Cycle-MotoBlouz-Honda team in 2024. Making his MXGP debut season he has finished with consistent results on most cases this year and sits in ninth place in the World.

The likeable Norwegian has some bad luck last weekend with a yellow flag penalty, which I think everyone will agree, was a difficult one in the mud and rain and with the flagman not really well places for the riders viewing, but it is what it is.

“I started Saturday well,” Horgmo said. “With a good feeling on the field. I achieved 9th place in the time qualification before the sky opened up during the qualifying heat. It suited me well, and with a good start and good driving I ended up in 5th place. These were my first points on a Saturday this year. On Sunday I had a bad start in heat one but drove well throughout the heat and fought myself up to 11th place at the finish line, with the sixth best lap time in the heat. The sky once again opened under heat two, and the track became a mud bath. I started in 5th place and drove very well with good lap times. I was close to taking 4th place, but many riders who lay a round behind, prevented me the last 4-5 rounds. Still, I ended up in 5th place in Heat 2.”

Then the problem came with the situation with the hidden flagman. Very unfortunate for Horgmo and also for Jeremy Seewer, as both had done amazing jobs to be in the positions they were in.

“Just before the finish flag there was a lake of water right in front of the last jump. Unfortunately, I did not see the yellow flag on the jump, which was also positioned behind a banner. I got a 2-position penalty and was moved down to 7th place. However, this did not change my total location, and I came in 8th place for the weekend. It's sour not to get my first top 5 position in a heat, but that's how racing is.”

Now onto Germany for the friendly Honda rider as he tries to continue to build on what has been a sensational season, and with a bunch of new factory rides available in 2025, do not be surprised if this young kid gets a shot at a factory ride.

Pascal Haudiquert image

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